If you choose not to read beyond this point and break any rule, the consequences still apply.
Common Sense
It is the most important rule.
General Rules
Be Respectful towards others and maintain a fair environment.
All Forms of Harassment, Abuse, Spam and Toxicity are bannable.
Having a welcoming, inclusive, and safe community is important to us.
Absolutely no forms of X-Ray or similar exploits.
Duplication exploits are not allowed whatsoever.
Stealing or griefing of any kind is unacceptable.
No unrelated advertisements such as businesses, products, or illegal content.
Malicious links and/or files are immediately bannable.
Do not abuse the @ feature, this includes excessive pinging.
In-Game Specifics
Label all builds with your in-game name, give yourself some credit!
Link Nether portals correctly, build your frames at the proper coordinates and destroy unused portals.
No Portal hopping, this will cause problems for portal linking and is time consuming to fix.
Ask before using TNT machines or Flyers or Chunk Loaders/Stitchers, this is to help reduce server lag.
Ask permission to build automatic or large mob farms, this is to reduce server lag
Single-block pillars or "nerd-poles" should be torn down after usage.
No floating trees, chop it all.
Light all Strip and Branch mines, this will help reduce excessive mob spawning.
Animals farms should be reasonable, excessive mobs may be culled.
Do not remove reserved plot signs, builds that remove reserved signs are subject to moving or removal
Be Mindful and Respectful
If something seems against the rules, ask before doing.
Application Secret Code: RESPECT
Rules Subject to Change - Updated: July 23rd, 2021